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Healing sounds help balance our left and right brain hemispheres, manifest positive states of consciousness linking to mental, emotional and physical balance, harmony and well-being. Sound can bring about transformation on every level of our being – physical, emotional, mental, energetic

and spiritual.  


Sounds can alter the brain frequencies to the different brainwaves associated with the deep states of relaxation (e.g. alpha-theta and delta) that change mental states of consciousness resulting in relaxation, peace, calmness and healing. Our body absorbs sounds - we are approx. 85% water and sound travels very quickly through water, right into cellular level affecting our cells health and function, and works deeply and quickly, yet gently. 


Through the Living Matrix, sound affects our whole body’s health, and changes take place in our immune system, endocrine system and autonomic system. 


At a cellular level, the internal part of our cells is directly and continuously connected to the external fibers by molecules called integrins, which communicate information back and forth between the cell interior and connective tissue system in which the cells are embedded.



The living matrix is defined as the continuous molecular fabric of the organism, consisting of fascia, other connective tissues, extra cellular matrices, integrins, cytoskeletons, nuclear matrices and DNA. It has the ability to generate and conduct vibrations, and appears to serve as an “energetic nervous system“, that conducts energy and information much faster than nerve impulses. 

(James Oschman 2000)



A Sound treatment lasts an hour and can be given to an individual, or to a group of people (this is usually called a Sound Bath, Sound Meditation or a Sound Journey). I provide thick soft mats to lie down on, just bring a blanket and cushion so you're nice and comfy. If you have a group coming to the island and would like a Sound Bath for them, please contact me.


A combination of Sound and Craniosacral therapy is a beautiful way to work with the body, most clients find it very relaxing, powerful and sleep very well afterwards.

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